Hope is a Golden Chord

"Be joyful in hope, patient in affection and faithful in prayer"  Romans 12:12

Hope is a golden cord connecting God's children to heaven. 

This cord helps us to hold our head up high, even when multiple trials are buffeting us. The golden cord of hope is like icing on a cake - it provides additional blessings! When you cling to hope, you can perceive God cheering you on, encouraging you with absolute certainty of heaven. But, you must continue to hold your head up high because, if you let it drop down, you will only see the perplexity of your problem. Many Christians get so intent upon seeking pleasure in this world that  they forget about their ultimate , eternal home. It is pleasing to our Father when we cling to his hope-cord as a lifeline when we are struggling with various problems. It also reduces our burdens, making it easier to stand up straight! But, we must first keep our focus on his presence and his promises, and not our problems! That is what God desires and requires of us. Our tendency to be problem-focused only robs much of our joy.

Hope is essential to our perseverance - getting us through hard times. Without hope, we would give up. No matter how hopeless things here on earth seem, in Christ we have ultimate, eternal hope. People who don't know Christ have nothing but their own hopelessness to cling to. Hope is trusting God to act in his timing, and when we honor God, our hopes can be richly fulfilled. We have faith in God to do what He has promised, and we can be absolutely sure that He will!

So, our hopes are not idle, but built on the solid foundation of his trustworthiness!

"The hope of a good man (godly) is eternal happiness; the hope of an evil men are all in vain." Proverbs 10:28

"O Lord,You alone are my hope." Psalm 71:5

"You will have courage because you have hope." Job 11:18

The Pathway Outreach
Dennis and Sandie Beckman

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